Good Business
Talking podcast
How can businesses operate to solve the problems in society, whilst also making a profit?
The how’s and why’s
of purposeful leadership
Building a business that does good in the world can seem overwhelming. That’s because it is difficult to balance commercial realities with a higher purpose of solving a worthy problem. But it’s not impossible.
In fact there are already thousands of companies that are successfully doing it.
Here I have conversations with those impact-led entrepreneurs, to discover how they have tackled the challenges in being responsible, sustainable and ethical in their products, operations and stakeholder relationships.
Some of the awesome companies we have worked with

About me

I’m a curious guy that has a fascination, and if I’m truly honest, an envy of businesses that are a force for good. Having worked as an Employee, a Supplier & an Advisor to over 30 businesses & charities, I know there’s no silver bullet to having a good business. But there are common principles to which they all seem to work within and I believe that the more businesses that follow these principles, the better the world will be for us all. So now I’m on a mission, a mission to spread the word that businesses are and can be a force for good.
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Listen to the latest episode:
How do successful leaders navigate periods of explosive growth while staying true to their mission?
Rajiv Tanna – Birdie
More episodes
How do you get your impact message out to as many people in the world as possible?
Lianne & James Carvell – Monkey Sox
What does it take to stay focused on your higher purpose once being acquired by a big industry player?
Lina Chan – Holland & Barrett /
How can business contracts drive decarbonisation?
Matt Gingell – The Chancery Lane Project
How important is looking after one's mental health in running a business?
Crystal Doors – Richard Hagan
How can businesses implement genuine inclusivity while avoiding tokenism?
Coralie Rose – Founder of Road Casting
How do you stay resolute to your mission when customer incentives work against the impact you are trying to make in the world?
Dr Mohammad Al-Ubaydli – Founding CEO of Patient Knows Best